[1]积极心理学方向 (Flow理论与身份认同理论的实践应用;24项积极人格特质与心理/主观/享乐/实现幸福感的基础应用研究)
Liu, T., Lu, S., Ma, J., & Mao, Y*. (2023). Apply your strengths to enjoy flow at work: A diary study on the relationship between strengths use and innovative behavior. Journal of Happiness Studies (SSCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 4.5; 中科院Top; ABS*; 积极心理学领域国际权威期刊).
Jia, F., Meng, J., Ma, Y., & Mao, Y*. (2024). Flow experience and self-efficacy in undergraduates' English learning: A weekly diary investigation with cross-lagged panel modeling approach. System (SSCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 5.5; 中科院1区Top; 人文社科领域国际顶级期刊).
Mao, Y., Luo, X., Wang, S., Mao, Z., Xie, M*., Bonaiuto, M. (2024). Flow experience fosters university students’ well-being through psychological resilience: A longitudinal design with cross-lagged analysis. British Journal of Educational Psychology (SSCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 4; 教育心理学领域国际高影响力期刊).
Mao, Y., Chen, J., Liu, X., Dang, J*., & Schiöth, H. (2024). Social support predicted subsequent subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective study. BMC Public Health (SCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 3.9; 中科院Top).
Cai, X., Zhou, N., Chen, J., Mao, Z., Wang, S., Luo, X., Xie, M., Mao, Y*. (2024). Gratitude practice helps undergraduates who experienced an earthquake in China find meaning in life. Scientific Reports (SCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 4.3).
Peng, C., Hu, H., Yuan, G., Chen, J., Mao, Y*. (2024). Disentangle the elderly’s positive coping behavior in times of COVID-19: Perspectives from the social network, information acquisition, and perceived community support. Sage Open. (SSCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year=2.3).
Mao, Y., Xie, M., Li, M., Gu, C., Zhang, Z., Chen, Y., & Peng, C*. (2022). Promoting academic self-efficacy, positive relationships, and psychological resilience for Chinese university students’ life satisfaction. Educational Psychology (SSCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 4.3).
[2] 管理心理学方向 (领导力如何促进员工及组织的创新行为?领导力提升员工心理资本及组织韧性的路径机制及边界效应)
Liu, T., Lu, S., & Mao, Y*. (2024). Facilitating individual innovation from the perspective of social network ties: A fuzzy-set QCA approach. R & D Management (SSCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 7.1; ABS***; 创新管理领域国际知名期刊).
Liu, T., Lu, S*, & Mao, Y. (2024). Impact of advice network centrality on innovative work behavior: the moderating role of multiplex network embeddedness. European Journal of Innovation Management (SSCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 5.8; ABS*; 创新管理领域国际权威期刊).
Liu, T., Mao, Y, & Lu, S*. (2024). Disentangling the relations among help-givers’ instrumental helping ties, creativity, and creative idea implementation: A social network perspective. Creativity and Innovation Management. https://doi.org/10.1111/caim.12594 (SSCI-Q2JCR, IF5-year=4.3; ABS** 创新管理领域国际权威期刊).
Liu, T., Mao, Y, & Lu, S*. (2023). Fostering participants’ collaborative innovation performance in megaprojects: The effect of perceived partner’s non-mediated power. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (SCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 4.8; ABS**; 工程项目管理领域国际权威期刊).
Mao, Y., Guo, S., Xie, M., Yu, J., Deng, X., Li, Y., Zhai, Y., Kong, F*. (2023). Devote yourself to enjoy work: A diary study on flow experience and employees’ organizational identification. Journal of Managerial Psychology (SSCI-Q2JCR, IF5-year = 4.5; ABS***;管理心理学领域国际权威期刊).
Mao, Y., Kang, X., Lai, Y., Yu, J., Deng, X., Zhai, Y., Kong, F*., Ma, J., & Bonaiuto, F. (2023). Authentic leadership and employee resilience during COVID-19 pandemic: The role of flow, organizational identification, and trust. Current Psychology (SSCI-Q2JCR, IF5-year= 2.6; ABS*).
Yang, S., Mao, Y*., Liu, T., Baldner, C., Roberts, S., & Lu, S*. (2021). Achieve ambidextrous learning in construction engineering project partnerships: The roles of formal control and Chinese guanxi. Asian Business & Management (SSCI-Q3JCR, IF5-year = 3.1; ABS**).
[3] 环境心理学方向 (复愈性环境如何影响身心健康?PREQ指标体系推广应用;CER企业环境责任与亲环境行为研究)
Zhao, Y., Zhang, Z*., & Mao, Y. (2024). Perceived residential environment quality, emotional experience, and sense of community among the elderly in China. American Journal of Community Psychology (SSCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 4.2; 中科院1区).
Cancellieri, UG., Flavia, B., Lorenzo, MA., Alessandro, M., Lavinia, C., Liu, X., Annalisa, S., Mao, Y., Mei, X., & Bonaiuto, M. (2024). Cross-cultural examination of the impact of Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Italy & China. International Journal of Psychology (SSCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 2.6).
Mao, Y., Peng, C*., Liang, Y., Yuan, G., Ma, J., & Bonaiuto, M. (2022). Perceived residential environment quality, flow, and social capital on urbanities’ community identity during COVID-19 residential confinement. Social Indicators Research (SSCI-Q1JCR, IF5-year = 3.2; 中科院Top; 社会科学领域国际知名期刊).
赵怡霖, 王兰爽, 陈兰双, 毛燕辉, 张镇. (2023). 社区绿化感知特征与老年人主观幸福感:社区依恋的中介作用和家庭亲密度的调节作用. 心理与行为研究, 21(5), 682-690 (CSSCI).
Mao, Y*., Luo, X*., Guo, S., Xie, M., Huang, R., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Validation of the abbreviated indicators of perceived residential environment quality and neighborhood attachment in China. Frontiers in Public Health (SCI/SSCI-Q2JCR, IF5-year = 3.6).
Bonaiuto, M*., Fornara, F., Alves, S., Ferreira, I., Mao, Y., Moffat, E., Piccinin, G., & Rahimi, L. (2015). Urban environment and well-being: Cross-cultural studies on perceived residential environment quality indicators (PREQIs). Cognitive Processing, 16, 165-169. ISSN: 1612-4728 (SSCI-Q3JCR, IF5-year =1.8).
Mao, Y., Fornara, F., Manca, S., Bonnes, M., & Bonaiuto, M*. (2015). Perceived residential environment quality indicators and neighbourhood attachment: A confirmation study on a Chinese sample in Chongqing. PsyCh Journal (SSCI-Q3JCR, IF5-year = 1.6).